This practical Window-Seat is made by combining two Flower-
and Plant-Stands .having slots cut across in the back of each to receive the
ends of a portable seat which is supported at its center by a box made similar
to the coal or Paper-Box, without its cover, As the individual pieces forming
the window-seat merely support or rest upon each other, they may easily be
assembled or removed as desired. The box support compartment makes a convenient
receptacle for coverings and pillows when not in use and can be readily
withdrawn, as the seat merely rats upon it.
4 Soap Boxes (about 10 8/4 in. deep, 14 1/4, in. wide, 20
in. long). 1 Box of the same width and depth, but 4 in. shorter, so that it
will not project outside the edge of the seat.
Top Compartment
2 Pieces 1/2 in.
thick, 8 in. wide, by the length of the box inside.
4 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, 3 in. wide, by 3 in. longer than the
outside depth of the box with the cover removed.
Facing Strips.
8 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, 3 in. wide, by 3 in. shorter than
the outside depth of the box with the cover removed.
Legs for Seat Support.
4 Strips 8/8 in. thick, 1 3/8 in. wide, 4 in. longer than
the outside width of the box. 4 Strips 8/8 in. thick, 1 8/4 in. wide, 4 in.
longer than the outside width of the box.
Legs for Stand.
8 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, 3 in. longer than
twice the outside width of the box. 8 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, 3 in.
longer than twice the outside width of the box.
1 Piece 8/4 in. thick, 3 in. narrower than the outside
length of the box, about 10 in. longer than the window-sill.
2 Pieces 8/4 in. thick, 4 in. wide, the length equal to the
width of the seat.
For making the end supports, see description for
constructing Flower and Book-Stand, In addition to this it will be necessary to
cut a slot 1 inch high in the back of each stand, extending from leg to leg,
and each end of the seat will pass through the slot and project about 3 inches
inside, and will rest upon the bottom of the upper compartment. The seat can be
made of two boards held together by cleats nailed across them on their under
side. Keep the nearest edge of cleat 3 1/2 inches from the end of the seat.
Drive the nails from the top of the seat through the cleats and clinch them well
on the under side. Remove the cover from
the smaller box and make the legs. Nail a leg on each corner, keeping their top
ends even with the top of the box. Turn the box upon its legs and place it
under the seat to act as a center support.
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