A combination of a window seat, washstand, and underwear closet, the length of the seat compartment being made to suit the width of the window. The wash stand is shown on the right and the underwear closet on the left, having a top compartment fitted to keep neck- wear or handkerchiefs The seat boxes may contain shoes, extra bedding, or other articles, while toilet articles may be kept in the various compartments. 



2 Packing-boxes (about 14 in. deep, 21 in. wide, 34 in. long). 

Seat Support.

2 Packing-boxes (about 12 in. deep, 14 in. wide, 22 in. long).

 Closet Tops.

2 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wider than the outside depth of the closet boxes, 3 in. longer than the outside width of  the closet boxes.


1 Piece 5/8 in. thick, 1 in. wider than the outside width,  and twice the length of the seat box.

Seat Cleats.

2 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, 3 in. wide, the length equal to the inside width of the box.


4 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, the width equal to the inside depth of the closet box, and length equal to the inside width of the box. 


2 Strips 8/8 in. thick, 2 in. wide, 95 in. shorter than the inside depth of the box. 

Top Compartment Front Face.

1 Strip 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, and length equal to the inside width of the box. 


Made from the covers of the closet boxes. 

Door Cleats.

4 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, 4 in. shorter than the outside width of the closet boxes. 

Corner Legs.

 4 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, 4 in. longer than the outside length of the closet boxes. 4 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, 4 in. longer than the outside length of the closet boxes.

 Facing Strip Legs.

4 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 2 ui. wide, 4 in. longer than the outside length of the closet boxes. 2 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, 2 in. longer than the outside depth of the seat box with the cover removed. 

Seat Facing Strip.

2 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, 1 in. shorter than twice the outside length of the seat box. 


8   1 8/4 in. brass hinges (butts) and screws. 3  2 in. brass hinges (butts) and screws. 2 brass pull-knobs. 2 brass but- tons and screws.


Make the corner legs 4 inches longer than the outside length of the larger or closet boxes. Remove the covers from all and one end from each of the closet boxes. The ends removed may be used for the lower shelf in each closet. Fit and nail the shelves in place in both closets, setting those in the washstand at the proper height to suit the pail, pitcher, and bowl, as in the office Wash-stand. Set those in the other closet to suit the underclothing which they will contain. Or, if spaced as shown in the illustration, the height of the compartments, naming them from the bottom up, would be about 12 inches, 10 inches, 7 inches, and 2 inches Stand one of the seat boxes on end and place the other one upon it end wise, with both open compartments facing the same way, and nail them together. Upon the end of the top one place one of the closets on its side, having the open end facing the same way and the closed end even with the bottom of the seat box. Match their edges and nail them together; Reverse them and join the other closet box in the same manner. Nail the four corner and four facing strip legs on the closets, front and rear, allowing the outside edge of the facing strip legs to project 1/2 inch over the outside face of the closets, having their upper ends even with the top of the closets. Place and nail the facing strips along each tap side of the seat boxes, having the upper edge of the strips even with the top edges of the boxes. Put the seat facing strip legs on, front and rear, and turn the piece upon its legs. Place and nail the front face of the top compartment of the underwear closet and set in and nail the partitions. The hinged tops will be made in two pieces, the narrow piece of each being 4 inches wide. Nail one narrow piece on each closet, allowing it to project over the face of the legs 1 inch at the sides and rear. Hang the wide piece to this narrow one. Put the cleats on the doors, one 4 inches from each end. Fit and hang the doors and screw on the pull-knobs and the buttons.  Make and fit the seat, putting the cleats 6 inches from each end, allowing even space at each end of the cleat. The seat will not be hinged, and when closed the cleats should fit inside the boxes and hold the seat from side movement.

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