The chairs are not made of boxes. 

Color Scheme:

Light oak.
Olive green. 

Light oak

Light oak. 

Burlap in natural color, or with motif stenciled in olive green. 

Ceiling: Tan in lighter shade than the walls.

Hangings: Burlap in olive green. 

Curtains: Net in same color as hangings. 

Floor: Stained light oak, with rugs of plain olive green same color as walls.

Plants: Growing plants with either crimson or orange-colored blossoms. 




1 Candle Box (about 7 in. deep, 12 in. square). 


4 Stripe 8/8 in. thick, 1 1/4 in. wide, and 9 in. longer than the outside depth of the box. 4 Stripe 8/8 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, and 9 in. longer than the outside depth of the box.


2 Stripe 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide and length equal to the outside width of the box.  


Make the legs 9 inches longer than the outside depth of the box. Remove the cover carefully. Nail a cleat across each end on the side presenting the worst appearance, keeping the edge of the cleat even with the end of the cover. Turn the box on its side and nail on the legs, keeping their upper ends even with the top of the box. . The cover (with the cleats across the ends to keep it flat) is to be the shelf; Turn the stand upside down and set the shelf in place between the legs, keeping it 4 inches from the bottom of the legs. And nail through each face of leg into its edges. The stand will be complete, ready for staining or painting, as desired.




1 Tee. Box (about 17 in. deep, 17 in. square). 

Corner Trim.

4 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, 4 in. longer than the outside length of the box. 4 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, 4 in. longer than the outside length of the Box. 


2 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, and length equal to outside depth of the box. 2 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, by 1 in. shorter than the outside width of the box.

 Facing Strips.

2 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide and length equal to outside depth of the box. 2 Stripe 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide and length equal to outside width of the box.


1 Piece 1/2 in. thick, width equal to the outside depth of the box, and length equal to the outside width of the box.


 2 1 3/4 in. brass hinges (butts) and screws. 1 porcelain pull-knob.


Make the projecting corner trim 4 inches longer than the outside length of the box. Remove one end. This may be done by striking on the inside of the box gently and loosening the nails just enough so that they may be drawn out. It is not necessary to take the box entirely apart. Nail the loosened parts together again and stand the box with the open end up, and nail the corner trim on. Nail the short braces to the inside face of the corner trim, with their top edges even with the upper end of the projecting corner trim. Do the same with the longer braces. Put the facing strips on top, flat side down, allowing one end and the outside edge to project 1/2 inch over the outside face of the corner trim all around. Make the cover in two parts, the rear part being a strip 11/2 inch wide. Place this strip between the corner trim on the rear top of the box, with its rear edge against the inner face of the corner trim, and nail both ends and along the back edge. Hang the door to the inner edge of this strip and screw the knob in place.



1 Packing Box (about 13 in. deep, 21 in. wide, 33 in. long). 


Made from the cover of the box. 

Door Cleats.

2 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, 4 in. shorter than the outside width of the box.


1 Piece 1/2 in. thick, 3 in. wider and 3 in. longer than the outside width and depth of the box.


 4 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, 4 in. longer than the outside length of the box. 4 Stripe 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, 4 in. longer than the outside length of the box.


2  1 1/2 in. tee hinges and screws. 1 porcelain pull- knob. 1 brass button and screw. 6 wire hooks. 6 cont-hangers. 


 Make the legs 4 inches longer than the outside length of the box. Remove the cover. Turn the box on its side and nail on the legs. Fit the door, nail the cleats on, and hang it, placing the hinges between the edges of the door and leg if desired. Stand the closet on its legs and nail the top on, allowing it to project evenly all around. Screw six hooks into the under face of the top at the center of the closet, about 2 inches apart, and place a coat-hanger on each hook.


This is a most convenient article where, in a limited space, it is impossible to place a bureau. Two of these were used in a studio for two years, one being used as above and the other as an annex to the desk. 



1 Soap Box (about 8 in. deep, 13 1/4 in. wide, 27 8/4 in. long). 


5 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, width equal to the inside depth of the box, and length equal to the inside width of the box. 

Shelf Fronts.

5 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, and length equal to the inside width of the box. 


Made from the cover of the box.


2 Pieces, 8/8 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, and 4 in. shorter than the outside width of the box. 

Corner Trim.

4 Strips 8/8 in. thick, 1 8/8 in. wide, and length equal to the outside length of the box. 4 Stripe 8/8 in. thick, 1 8/4 in. wide and length equal to the outside length of the box. 


1 Piece 1/6 in. thick, 3 in. wider than the outside depth, and 3 in. longer than the outside width of the box. 


2   1 8/4 in. brass butts and screws. 1 porcelain pull- knob. 1 brass button and screw. 


Make the corner trim as long as the outside length of the box. Remove the cover, and fit and nail in the shelves at such heights as seem practical, using 1 inch brads driven from outside through into the edge of the shelf. Place a shelf front across the front edge of each shelf, its edge up, and fasten it with brads. -' Put the corner trim on and nail on the top, allowing it to project evenly all around. Lay the notionette on its back, then put the cleats on the doors and hang them, and screw on the pull knob and brass button.




1 Packing Box (about 14 in. deep, 18 in. wide, 36 in. long).


2 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, Width equal to the inside depth of the box, and length equal to the inside width of the box. 


Made from cover of box. 

Hinged Top.

1 Piece 1/2 in. thick, 4 in. wider than the outside depth of the box, and 4 in. longer than the outside width of the box.


4 Stripe 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, and 4 in. longer than the outside length of the box. 4 Stripe 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, and 4 in. longer than the outside length of the box.


4 Stripe 1/2 in. thick, 1 in. wide, and length equal to the width of the door. 

Shelf Cleats.

4 Stripe 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, and length equal to the inside depth of the box.


1 flat-framed mirror. 


1 pair 1 8/4 in. brass hinges (butts). 2 pairs 4 in. tee hinges.


Make the legs 4 inches longer than the outside length of the box. Remove the cover and one end from the box. Put on the shelf cleats at the proper height to make room for the pail, pitcher, and bowl, leaving at least 1 inch, or more, between the top of the bowl and the under side of the hinged tap to clear the mirror. ‘Fit and nail in the shelves. Lay the box on its side and put on the legs. Turn it on its back and fit and hang the doors. The hinged top will be made in two pieces, the being 6 inches piece on, letting the face of the at the sides and wide piece of and place a front edge to closed. Secure the under side narrow piece wide. Nail this it project over legs 1 1/2 inches rear. Hang the lid to this, cleat under the hold the doors the mirror to of the lid.


The seat is formed of a box with a hinged cover. Midway of the depth inside is a sliding shelf upon two cleats extending the length of the box, which provides space for large paper sheets, drawings, etc.



1 Condensed-milk Box (about 7 1/4 in. deep, 13 in. wide, 19 8/4 in. long).


1 Piece 5/8 in. thick, 1 1/2, in. wide, length equal to side length of the box. 1 Piece 5/8 in. thick, width 1 1/2 in. less then the width of the box, length equal to the outside length of the box.


1 Piece 1/2 in. thick, width equal to one half the in- side length of the box, and length equal to the inside width of the box. 


2 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, length equal to the inside length of the box. 

4 Stripe 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, 27 in. long. 4 Stripe 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, 27 in. long.


2 Stripe 1/2 in thick, 2 1/2 in. wide, 16 in. long.

 Back Bar. 2 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 2 1/2 in. wide, 21 3/4 in. long.

Hardware. 2 1 3/4 in. brass butts. 


 Make the legs 27 inches long. Remove the cover. Nail the shelf cleats on the inside sides of the box, keeping the top of the cleats 3 inches from the bottom. Fit the shelf so as to slide readily upon the cleats. Bore a hole 97.4 inch in diameter, % of an inch from the edge at the center; insert the finger in this hole to move the shelf. Nail the narrow cover strip along the side on top, keeping its outside edge even with the outside edge of the box. Turn the box on its side and nail on the legs, allowing them to project 10 inches above the top of the box with the seat cover on. Stand the chair upon its legs, right side up. Nail the arms to the t0p of the legs. allowing their ends to project 2 inches over the face of the legs in front, and their outside edges to project 1/2 inch over the outside face of leg on the sides, the rear end of arm being even with the rear face of the rear leg. Nail one of the back bar strips across the rear legs, keeping its top edge even with the top of the leg. Set the other back bar strip, flat side up, directly behind the arm ends, and nail to the other half of back bar already in place. Fit and hang the seat and set the shelf in place.

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