Color Scheme: 

Flemish oak (seal brown).
Old blue. 


Brown Flemish oak (stained). 

Furniture :

Brown Flemish.


Old blue (light),  with motif stenciled in some color as furniture. 

Ceiling :



Canvas in old blue, with motif stenciled in same color as on the walls.

Curtains :

White muslin. 

Floor : 

Painted same color as furniture; rugs old blue and brown predominating.

Plants: Growing plants or cut flowers with white blossom



The projecting shelves may be used to hold the printing-frames while making prints. The stand may also be used in the invalid-room for medicines or bandages. When so used, growing plants or small articles may be placed on the projecting shelves. 



3 Butter Boxes (about 10 1/4 in. deep, 13 8/4 in. wide, 14 1/4, in. long). 


3 Pieces the same thickness as the sides of the boxes, 12 in. longer than the outside width of the boxes. 

Top. 1 Piece 3 in. longer than the end of the box each way. 


1 Piece 1/2 in. thick, 3 in. less in width than the outside width of the box, 6 in. longer than twice the outside length of the box. 

Door Cleats.

2 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, 4 in. shorter than the outside width of the box.


4 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, 12 in. longer than twice the outside length of the box. 4 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. . wide, 12 in. longer than twice the outside length of the box. 


2 3 in. tea hinges and screws. 1 porcelain pull-knob. 1 button. 


Make the legs. Remove the covers from all and one end from two of the boxes. Midway the length of the box from which the cover only has been removed, make a pencil line across the bottom and sides. Saw the box in two, cutting on the line. Turn one half on its end, and across the sides place one of the shelves, allowing its ends to project equally, each edge being 1 1/2 inches from the bottom face and open side edges of the box. Nail the shelf on and cut from the covers two strips 1 1/2, inches wide, and length equal to the inside width of the boxes, and nail them one on each side of the shelf. Cover the open ends of the other two boxes in the same manner. Turn one of the large boxes on the shelf. end and place the other large box on its shelf end upon it, with the open compartments facing the same way. Match their edges and nail them together. Do the same with the small box. Nail the top on, allowing it to project equally all around. Turn all the boxes open side down upon the floor and nail on the rear legs. Reverse and nail on the front legs. Nail the cleats on the door, placing them about 4 inches from each end. Fit and hang the door, placing the hinges about 6 inches from each end. Screw on the pull-knob and the button.





3 Soap Boxes (about 10 8/4 in. deep, 14 1/4 in. wide, 20 in. long).


4 Strips 3/8 in. thick, 1 8/8 in. wide, 6 in. longer than the outside length of the boxes. 4 Stripe 3/8 in. thick, 1 8/4 in. wide, 6 in. longer than the outside length of the boxes. 


2 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wider than the outside depth of the box with the cover removed, 2 in. longer than the outside width of the box.

 Facing Strip Legs.

4 Strips 8/8 in. thick, 1 8/4 in. wide, 6 in. longer than the outside length of the long boxes. 


Make the legs 6 inches longer than the length of the boxes. Remove the covers from all and one end from each of two boxes. Use the removed end of each of these boxes as a shelf for each. Stand these two boxes on their closed ends and place and nail the shelves in them at a height to correspond with the top side of the third box when the third box is placed on its side. Stand the third box on end, and upon its upper end place one of the other two boxes, both open compartments facing the same way. Set the end face of the first box even with the outside face of the third box, match their edges, and nail them together. Turn these two boxes upside down; place and nail the second box to the other end of the third box in the same manner, having the open ends of the first and second boxes facing the same way. Nail on the legs, two at each end of the stand, keeping their upper ends even with the top edge of the end sections of the stand. Turn the stand upon its legs and nail a top on each end section, allowing the top to project 5/8 inch over the outside face of the legs at the front, rear, and end. Nail on the facing strip legs, two on the front and two at opposite points on the rear side, so placed that their edges will project evenly over the abutting edges of the boxes.



This is similar in form and construction to the Reference Stand, but is made with larger boxes, additional shelves, and a curtain.


 Body. 1 Packing Box (about 9 1/4 in. deep, 28 in. wide, 31 in. long). 2 Tobacco Boxes (about 9 1/4 in. deep, 13 8/4 in. wide, 37 in. long).


2 Pieces 1/2, in. thick, 3 in. larger each way than the end of the narrow boxes. 


4 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, width equal to the inside depth of the narrow box, and length equal to the inside length of the narrow box. 


 4 Pieces 8/8 in. thick, 1 8/8 in. wide, 4 in. longer than the narrow boxes.  4 Pieces 8/8 in. thick, 1 8/4 in. wide, 4 in. longer than the narrow boxes.

 Facing Strips.

4 Pieces 8/8 in. thick, 1 8/4 in. wide, 4 in. longer than the narrow boxes. 


1 brass rod or tube 1/4 in. in diameter, 1/2 in. longer than the inside width of the wide box.


A suitable sliding curtain of any desired material or pattern.


 Make the legs 4 inches longer than the narrow boxes. Remove the covers from all and one end from each of the narrow boxes. Use the removed end as shelf for each. Stand the narrow boxes on their closed ends, and place and nail these shelves in them at a height to correspond with the top side of the wide box, with the wide box- placed on its end. Fit and nail in place a shelf near the other end of each of the narrow boxes, having the
compartments at each end of the box the same in size. Lay the wide box on its side and place one of the narrow boxes upon it, both open compartments facing the same way. Set the end face of the narrow box even with the outside end face of the wide box. Match their edges and nail them together. Turn them upside down and nail the other narrow box to the other end of the wide box in the same manner, having the open ends of the narrow boxes facing the same way. Nail on the corner legs, two at each end of the stand, having their upper ends even with the open ends of the boxes. Turn the stand upon its legs, and place and nail a top on each end section, allowing the top to project 5/8 inch over the outside face of the legs at the front, rear, and end. Nail on the facing strips, two on the front and two at opposite points on the rear side, so placed that their edges will project evenly over the abutting edges of the boxes. 

Bore a hole 1/4 inch in diameter and 1/4 inch deep in the inside side face of the wide compartment, 1 inch from the front face and 1 inch from the under side of the top of the compartment Gouge a vertical slot 1/4 inch wide from one hole to the under side of the top of the compartment. Slip the curtain upon the rod and insert one end of the rod in the first hole and spring the other end through the slot into the second hole.





1 Grocery Packing Box (about 7 8/4 in. deep, 21 1/2 in. wide, 31 1/2 in. long). 2 Shoe-polish Boxes (about 5 5/8 in. deep, 7 1/2 in. wide, 9 7/8 in. long).


2 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, width equal to the inside depth of the box, length equal to the inside width of the box. 

Corner Trim.

 4 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/4 in. wide, length equal to the outside length of the large box.
4 Stripe 1/2 in. thick, 1 8/4. in wide, length equal to the outside length of the large box. 

Vertical Facing Strips.

 4 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, length equal to the outside length of the large box.

 Top Facing Strips.

2 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, 1 in. longer than twice the outside length of the small box and the outside width of the large box combined.
4 Stripe 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, 1 in. longer than the outside width of the large box. 


Make the legs as long as the outside length of the large box. Remove the covers. Fit and nail the shelves in place, making one compartment about 6 inches high, the other two being of equal height. The shelves may be fastened with 1 1/4 inch brads driven through the side and bottom of the box into the edges of the shelves. Turn the large box on its end on the floor, the large compartment being at the lower end. Place one of the small boxes on the floor against the side of the large box and nail them together. Do the same with the other small box at the other side of the large box. Nail the corner trim on the outer end of each small box, also two vertical facing strips on both the front and the rear on the side edge of the large box. Keep the inner edges of these strips even with the inside face of the side of the large box and their upper ends even with the outside face of the top end. Lay the long top facing strips, flat side down, across the front and rear edge of the stand and nail them. Keep their ends even with the outside face of the corner trim. Their outside edges are also to be even with the outside face of the corner trim and vertical facing strips. Two inches back from each end of these top facing strips make a saw-cut 1/4 inch deep and, with a chisel, cut away the top half of the strip at this point. Do the same with each end of all the short facing strips. Make two similar saw-cuts 2 inches apart across the top of the long strips, in line with both edges of the four vertical facing strips and cut away in like manner. Place all the short strips in place, the uncut side up, and fit their ends into the recesses cut in the long strips and nail them. These recesses are made and fit like those described for the Picture Frame.



There are two closets on the side and a drawer between. The recess between the side closets is closed at the rear by a junction piece extending 2 inches below the drawer. Each closet contains two shelves. 


2 Canned-tomato Boxes (about 10 1/2 in. deep, 13 1/2 in. wide, 18 1/2 in. long).
1 Canned-asparagus Box (about 8 1/4 in. deep, 12 in. wide, 14 1/2 in. long).


2 Piece-1/2 in. thick, width 1 1/2 in. less than the closet box, and length equal to the outside length of the closet box. 


1 Piece 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wider than the outside width of the closet boxes, 3 in. longer than the outside length of the drawer box and twice the outside depth of the closet boxes combined. 


4 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, width equal to the outside depth of the closet box, length equal to the inside width of the closet box.

 Drawer Guides.

2 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, length equal to side width of the closet boxes.

 Facing Stripe.

1 Strip 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, length equal to the outside length of the drawer box. 

Beck Strips.

1 Piece 1/2 in. thick, 3 in. wider than the outside depth of the drawer box, 3 in. shorter than the outside length of the drawer box and twice the outside depth of the closet boxes combined.


4 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/2 in. wide, 28 in. long. 4 Strips 1/2 in. thick, 2 in. wide, 28 in. long.


4  3 in. tee hinges and screws. 4 pull-knobs. 2 small brass hooks and screws. 2 brass screw eyes. 

Make the legs 28 inches long. Remove one side from the boxes which are to form the side closets and nail the cover down closely, then fit and fasten in the shelves with brads driven from the outside of the box through into the edges of the shelves, two shelves to each box. Place the drawer box upon the floor. top side up, and remove the cover. Against each end of this box place one of the closets on end, with the open fronts facing the same way. Place the top across the tops of the closets, allowing its rear edge to project 1/2 inch over the back face of the closets and 1 1/2 inches over each end and the front of the closets, and nail it to them. Turn all three boxes face down on the floor, and move the drawer up against the under side of the top, and nail the rear legs on the outside corners of the closets. Temporarily to hold the rear legs the proper distance apart, place a light strip of wood across the backs of them near their lower ends and fasten slightly to one leg, then draw the legs together until they measure the same distance apart at the bottom as at the top, and nail the strip to the other leg. Nail on the back strip, placing its upper edge against the under side of the top. This back strip will extend across the rear upper ends of both closets between the rear legs, its outside face being even with the outside rear face of the legs. Remove the temporary strips and turn the table upon its back, front side up. Fit the drawer into place and fasten the drawer guides to the side of each closet for the drawer to slide upon, and place a block at the back to prevent its going in too far. Their ends should be even with the front face of the closets before the door is hung. Put the front legs on and hang the doors. Put the temporary strip across the lower ends of the front legs the same as for the back legs, then, with both doors closed, fit the facing strip across the ends of the drawer guides and between the closets under the drawer. The outer face of the facing strip will be even with the outer faces of the drawer and the doors. Screw on the knobs and place a small hook and eye just below the facing strip to keep the doors closed. Remove the temporary strips and stand the table upon its legs.





1 Butter Box (about 10 1/2 in. deep, 13 in. wide, 25 in. long).
2 Condensed-milk Boxes (about 7 1/4 in. deep, 13 in. wide, 19 8/4 in. long). 


1 Piece 5/8 in. thick, 7 in. longer and 2 in. wider than the bottom of the box.


Made from the covers of the boxes. 

Smell Shelves.

4 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, width equal to the inside width of the box, and length equal to the inside depth of the box. 

Large Shelf.

1 Piece 1/2 in. thick, about 13 in. wide, 10 1/2 in. long. 


4 Stripe 1/2 in. thick, 1 1/4 in. wide, 31 in. long. 4 Stripe 1/2 in. thick, 1 8/4 in. wide, 31 in. long. 

Towel Rods

2 Childs broom handles. 

Curtain Rod.

1 Child’s broom handle.

 Waterproof Cover.

 1 Piece white enameled oil-cloth, 3 in. wider and longer than the top. 


1 Piece cloth, 8/4 yd. long.


1 package carpet tacks to fasten oil-cloth. 6 brass hinges. 4 brass curtain books for towel-rod hangers. 2 brass curtain hooks for curtain-rod hangers. 2 small brass hooks and screw eyes for fastening the side doors.


Make the legs. Place the largest box with its side upon the floor. Put the small boxes upright upon it, one at each end, with the faces even at the end, and nail them to the lower box, driving the nails down through the ends of the small boxes. Clinch them on the under side of the top of the bottom box. Keep all the open compartments of the boxes to the front, and all the faces even with each other. 

Make the top of the washstand of two or more boards 7 inches longer and 2 inches wider than the bottom box. Cut a circular hole in the center of the top, suitable for the bowl which rests in it, allowing the edge of the bowl to project about an inch above the top. Sandpaper and smooth the edges of the hole. Then nail the top across the tops of the upper boxes, so that the front edge will project 1 1/2 inches, the ends 3 1/2 inches each, and the rear edge 1/2 inch beyond the boxes Make the shelves and fit them in place, securing them with nails driven through the sides of the boxes. The shelf for the waste-water pail should be placed so that the top of the nail will be 3 inches from the top of the washstand.  Nail the legs on the outside corners of the upright boxes, driving the nails into the edges of the upper boxes. Make the doors and hang them. Put the pull-knobs 2 inches from the edges, in the middle of the doors. When  finished, the outer faces of the doors and the legs will be even with each other.

Put on the brass hooks and screw in the eyes for fastening the upper doors.  The curtain pole is made of a child’s broom handle cut to the proper length and held up by two brass hooks screwed into the under side of the top. The towel racks at each end of the washstand. are made of broom handles held by brass hooks placed 3 1/2 inches below the top of the stand.  Cover the top with the white enameled oil-cloth, stretched taut, turned under the edges, and tacked underneath. For the bowl opening, cut a hole much smaller than the opening and slit the edges, turning them back and tacking them on the under side.


Four children may sit at the table while at play, each having a shelved compartment to hold his toys. The table may be set at meal-time for the little ones.



4 Soap Boxes (about 10 8/4 in. deep, 14 1/4, in. wide, 20 in. long).


12 Pieces 1/2 in. thick, width equal to the inside width of the box, and length equal to the inside depth of the box.


12 Pieces 3/8 in. thick, 1 8/8 in. wide, 2 in. longer than the outside length of the box. 12 Pieces 8/8 in. thick, 1 8/4 in. wide, 2 in. longer than the outside length of the box.


1 Piece 8/4 in. thick, octagon shape 42 in. across from side to side


Make the legs 2 inches longer than the outside length of the box. Remove the covers. Fit and nail three shelves in each box, placing the first one 6 inches from one end of the box, the next one 11 inches from the same end, and divide the balance of the space equally with the third shelf., Fasten the shelves with 1 1/4. inch wire brads driven from the outside through into the ends of the shelves. Nail two legs on each box at the corners of the open side, allowing them to project 2 inches over the end having the largest compartment. Stand each box on its legs so placed as to form a hollow square in the center, having the open sides face out. (See outline of the boxes in dotted lines) Place a small block 2 inches high under the rear end of each

 box to make it stand level. Move the boxes together until the corners touch and match. Place the inner legs in a reverse position to fit in each angle, and nail to both boxes forming the angle, using the try-square. Make the top of octagon shape, 42 inches across from side to side. Use seasoned, grooved and tongued material  3/4 inch thick, 7 inches wide, planed on both sides. Draw the octagon full size on the floor. Divide the space across in six equal spaces and draw the lines representing the boards as shown in Fig.  Lay the boards between the lines and mark and cut them to the proper angle. Place them across the tops of the boxes and nail firmly, driving each tightly against the other, allowing each side edge to project about 1 inch over the outside face of the legs. Set the nail-heads slightly below the top surface, and then finish the top face with the smoothing-plane.  If preferable, the boards forming the top may be joined with hot glue instead of the groove-and-tongue joint, but the edges must be held tightly together about thirty-six hours, or until the glue becomes hard, before nailing the top in place.

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